首页>纺织>纺织辅料>绳带>货车捆绑带 收紧器 紧绳器 机载货物约束带 航空绑带 免费发布绳带信息

货车捆绑带 收紧器 紧绳器 机载货物约束带 航空绑带

更新时间:2023-12-27 信息编号:2243367
货车捆绑带 收紧器 紧绳器 机载货物约束带 航空绑带
1.50 ≥ 1米
  • 1.50元/米

  • 拖车带收紧器,捆绑带,紧绳器,



货车捆绑带 收紧器 紧绳器 机载货物约束带 航空绑带

合肥一苇包装材料有限公司是一家专注于捆绑带生产加工自产自销的厂家,本公司拥有**的生产设备和优秀的生产技术人员,凭借着强大的生产销售团队赢得了广大客户的信赖和喜爱。 1)本厂供应高压锻造钢5000(kg) 5t+45号钢铸件扣件,紧绳器,双排钩,E型扣,元宝钩,偏心扣等金属件 2)我厂生产家庭小汽车应急产品牵引绳,其生产的合肥一苇品牌的高强涤纶拖车带深受合肥广大消费者欢迎 3)货车捆绑带,目前产品有30克,60克,90克,120克。宽度为5厘米,长度有7米,9米,13米。50米,100米,200米等可任意定制。均采用高强涤纶织造而成。承受拉力有2-10吨不等. 4)航空系留带,机载货物约束带,此款绑带宽4.6厘米,厚度大于1.7毫米,拉伸强度大于5000磅. 5)2.5厘米涤纶货物绑带, 6)3.8厘米涤纶捆绑带 7)通过实践,2018年我们又开发出适用于仓库托盘货物固定的绑带,宽50cm,长度可以根据托盘周长定制(一般长度为4.6米);采用布料+松紧+魔术贴组合而成,可重复使用,非常环保,操作简单. 产品特点: 1、省时省力,本产品以拨千斤之势,一人操作即可使捆绑器产生巨大的捆绑力、绑卸快速。 2、安全耐用,本产品采用特殊钢材为机件, 3、操作简易,瞬间绑紧,绝不脱落,瞬间松绑,操作简便,回收绑索容易,不占空间。 4、不伤货物,本产品采用纤维材质扁平织带组合而成,受力点分散、柔软、绝不伤货物。在货物的运输、移动、装运或者仓储时固定功能。它们具有锁紧后,不会脱落,安全可靠,轻便、操作简便,保护物体不受损伤。 注意事项: 1. 仅使用没有破损的捆绑带,标签能清晰的表明能力。 2. 不可以**载使用。 3. 不要将织带打结使用。 4. 使用时,请尽量使织物远离锋利棱角,免受磨损或切割。 5. 避免扭、绞布置拉紧器。 6. 不要将物体放置在捆绑器上,以免导致伤害。 7. 不要把捆绑器当作负载起重调整使用。 由于绑带的特殊性,您可根据您的实际需要定制您所需要的款式、长度等不同规格,本公司有着丰富的生产经验,可以为您提供较优质的服务。 全体人员真诚期待您的光临。 Company profile Hefei a reed packaging materials co., LTD. Is a focus on bundling belt production process factory of self-marketing, the company has advanced production equipment and excellent production and technical personnel, with a strong production and sales team to win the majority of customers trust and love. 1) our factory supply high pressure forged steel (5000 kg) 5 t + 45 # steel casting fasteners, tight rope, double hook, E clasp, wing hook, eccentric buckles and other metal parts 2) family car emergency traction rope products made by our factory, the production of hefei a reed brand of high-strength polyester trailer with welcome by hefei general consumers 3) van bind belt, the current products have 30 grams, 60 grams, 90 grams, 120 grams. There are 7 meters, the width is 5 cm, the length is 9 meters, 13 meters. 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters, etc. Can be customized. Adopt high-strength woven polyester. 2-10 tons under tension. 4) aviation tie-down belt, airborne goods restraint belt, this belt width 4.6 cm, thickness is greater than 1.7 mm, the tensile strength is more than 5000 pounds. 5) 2.5 cm belt, polyester goods 6) 3.8 cm polyester bind belt 7) through the practice, in 2018 we developed is suitable for the warehouse pallet fixed belt, 50 cm wide, length can be customized according to the tray circumference (average length of 4.6 m); Using cloth, elastic and Velcro, reusable, and very environmental protection, easy to operate. Product features: 1, save time and effort, this product to dial one thousand jins, one operator can be bound to produce a great binding force of bundling device, discharge quickly. 2, safe and durable, the product adopts special steel for parts, 3, easy to operate, instant tied tightly, never fall off, instantaneous relaxation, easy operation, recovery of lashing easy, does not occupy a space. 4, do not hurt the goods, the product adopts flat ribbon fiber material, mechanical dispersion, soft, not to hurt the goods. In the transport of goods, mobile, fixed function when shipping or storage. After they have the lock, will not fall off, safe and reliable, portable, easy to operate, to protect the object from damage. Note: 1. Only use bind belt without damage, the label can clearly show that ability. 2. Can't use overload. 3. Do not use ribbon knot. 4. When used, please try to make the fabric away from sharp edges, from wear or cutting. 5. Avoid twist and the ground layout tensioning device. 6. Do not place objects on the binding machine, lest cause damage. 7. Don't put the bundle is used as load lifting adjustment. Due to the particularity of belt, you can according to your actual need to customize you need different specifications, such as style, length, the company has a wealth of production experience, can provide you with better service. All the staff sincerely look forward to your visit.

徐宝山 QQ





徐宝山徐宝山 13965069304 询盘


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